1. Photography. I am learning little by little but I know there is so much more to know. And I want to know it all now! Lately I have been trying to capture some close up shots (like that fence post) and textures.
2. Sheep Breeds. While I was searching for a good fleece on Saturday I saw so many breeds and realized I had no idea how some of them would be best used. I even tried to download the Field Guide To Fleece to my iPhone but the internet connection up in NH was poor and I couldn't make it happen. I have it now and I will learn!
3. Italy. I will go there one day soon but before I go I would like to learn more about it. Not only travel wise but historically.
4. Gardening. I give it the good old try every year but if I actually sat down and did some reading I bet I would get better results.
5. Computer programming. I would love to be able to design my own web page. All that code mystifies me - it's another language I know nothing about.
6. Weaving. I love my little rigid heddle but when I see those floor looms I get overwhelmed. My friends tell me it's not that difficult and I'm sure it isn't. I don't really have a desire for a big loom, but just to know how it all works would satisfy me.
7. Farming. I know I could never do it but I think it would be neat to have a couple of animals in a small farm. I have no idea what to do and wouldn't even know how to handle a sick animal. So I think it would be neat to know more about that.
8. Acrylic painting. We had such a good time when we went to Paint Night. I would love to know the techniques. Very relaxing...
9. Herbs and how to use them. A good friend of mine took a very intensive course over the last year and it's amazing what she has learned. I think the more we can lean on natural remedies the better off our bodies are.
10. My town. I have only lived there for about 15 years but I don't know much about it historically - other than it's small (which drives me nuts sometimes coming from NY) and we have lots of water surrounding us. I'm sure there are some very interesting facts.
So what would you like to know more about? Join us over at Carole's for some education.
I know next to nothing about sheep breeds and herbs, besides buying yarn I like and growing plenty of mint for mint tea. Great list!
These are all really great topics! I will say having had one older horse with diabetes and probably an endocrine tumor, I learned WAY more about animal healthcare than I ever wanted to know in the course of a year!
Herbs: get yourself a subscription to Herb Companion (published by Interweave Press, can you believe it?) and you will learn all you need to know.
You have a very diverse list of subjects. It takes time to learn all we'd like to learn. Have fun learning all you want to know!
I want to learn more about herbs too. Also essential oils. I wanted to learn more about gardening....this is the 3rd year we're working on a vegetable garden and each year I learn a little more. What is helpful is that my husband is also interested so he tends to do the research/reading and then tells me what he's learned. I think that's learning through osmosis? ;-)
I think your list is great and very well-rounded. I also think you should go learn about herbs and then share it with us.
I like your list. Learning more about photography, sheep breeds, and herbs would be on my list too. I have the Field Guide to Fleece ready for the fiber festival this weekend, just in case.
I enjoyed your list!
count me in on learning how to code. and breeds and just about everything on your list!
Your list is identical to mine!! Let's be learning partners?!!!
I didn't know you were a fellow New Yorker. I totally understand the frustration a New Yorker can have living in a small town. My daughter is experiencing that now that she has moved to Connecticut. Your shawl is beautiful. So many colors.
I had herbs on my list, too. I'm going to check out the Herb Companion that another commenter suggested. ;)
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