Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Yarn Along

What I'm spinning
It's an alpaca/shetland blend and I think I have enough to keep me busy for a while

What I'm knitting

It's the Cedar Leaf Shawlette. I had gotten about 3/4 of the way through the pattern.  Then I realized I read the pattern wrong.  Off to the Frog Pond.  It wasn't pretty.  I put it in time out for a couple of days while I sulked.

What I'm reading

I like it so far.

I'm still listening to Divergent and Outlander.

What's going on in your world?  Share it over at Ginnys!


karen said...

glad you found the mistake earlier than later but it would have been nice not to make it at all :) Hee hee. Love your spinning!!

Deb Hickman said...

I've put this shawlette in my Rav queue, your yarn is gorgeous. I love your spinning and really like the idea of spinning but really wouldn't know where to start. X

Sarah said...

Ugh I hate frogs :-) I dream of spinning one day but knitting is all I have room in my world for right now. Your post stirred the sleeping dream, lovely yarn!

EMMA said...

Oh dear, did you really have to start it all over again!!

Gretchen R said...

I was just thinking about spinning again last night. I reeeeeally want to learn how!

Janet said...

That's a lot of wool waiting to be spun. Love the blue yarn.

steph said...

I did cedar'll love it!!! love the color!

Tracey ~ Clover said...

I am so envious ;) I would love to learn to spin.
Any chance you want to move south so we can be neighbors and you can teach me?

Jessica Snell said...

I'm sorry you had to frog it - it's such a lovely pattern!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful shawlette pattern. I hope it comes out of the frog pond soon.

Anonymous said...

LOL~ I couldn't help but chuckle ~ I don't like the frog pond either! So frustrating.
Beautiful yarn for your shawlette, and the alpaca you're spinning.
Enjoy your day!

Karen Sue said...

Do tell more about this book. It looks like a great one for my friend who dreams of sheep.

flyingjen said...

At Christmas my dad told me he was surprised I didn't have sheep and a spinning wheel. No place to put sheep and I have no clue how to spin. The book you are reading sounds very interesting!

Carole said...

I knit two Cedar Shawlettes last year and really enjoyed them. I'm glad you didn't leave yours in time out for too long.

CathieJ said...

I recently spent some time in the Frog Pond also. I too let my knitting sit a while. I just couldn't face it. Love the yarn you are knitting with and that you are spinning.

Heather L. said...

Yarn farming is on the list!!!! You will love the magic cake! So fun and relaxing!!!

sustainablemum said...

Your shawl pattern is gorgeous, sorry you have had to frog it how frustrating :(

elizabeth said...

oh dear, how disappointing about the shawlette!

lovely yarn!!!

Cathy said...

I was a spinner in days gone by; my two spinning wheels are retired for the time being. I simply do not have the time to do the things I love to do. I raised a flock of Romneys and would spin their wool as well as the fleeces of my fellow spinners.

I have many corners of my house with "time out" projects!

Happy spinning and knitting!

elns said...

I'm sorry about the shawlette, but it's good to give it a break. You are disciplined. I just recently realized I was not going to have enough yarn to finish a shawlette and well ... just sort of faked it. I am blocking it in hopes my denial is strong enough. sigh.

Project Tara said...

You knit and spin? That is so cool. I've used a drop spindle but it got a little clunky once the cats figured out they could "help" me. "off to the frog pond" -- I haven't heard that one before, it made me laugh.


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