For the first half of the weekend the weather was lovely. It was in the 60s with the sun out - the only indication of the true season is the lack of leaves. It really looks like autumn is coming to a close and winter is on it's heels.
This little guy doesn't want to know anything about it getting colder and this winter thing that we all speak of. He wants to be outside with his bone. And he wants the humans out there with him too. Get a coat if necessary. Mittens, gloves and hat if you really need it. Silly puppy. It's a good thing it was nice on Saturday.
Sweater knitting went on. I had grand illusions of finishing it this past weekend. At least the knitting portion.
Clearly that didn't happen. It will be finished this week one way or another. It's at the point where it's really too bulky to travel far with.
I really have some Christmas socks to get working on. For me! So this needs to be done soon.
I found a couple of new recipes for Thanksgiving and started to plan the shopping list. There was some cleaning and organizing of the yarn and fiber to get a feeling of what I have. That will get a post all it's own, trust me.
So how was your weekend?
Ahhh, yes, planning for Thanksgiving. That's going on here, too. Looks like that sweater will be finished in no time.
Ha, my winter's are mostly 60's, but that doesn't stop me wishing for snow!
I finished and I think it will be ripped out, just not feeling the love. Love your progress and hope you do NOT frog!!
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