For those who may not know (such as myself) September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month. While all cancer is scary, ovarian is apparently one of those that by the time it is diagnosed - it has usually progressed very rapidly. During the month of September they are encouraging women to wear teal - teal ribbons, teal nail polish, etc... Unwind Yarn Company jumped on board and dyed some awesome yarn and fiber. Look at how beautiful this is. It's her Panda Sock Roving which has bamboo and nylon as well as superwash.
One of my favorite audio knitting podcasts is The High Fiber Diet. Kari is great - so entertaining to listen to. Since yesterday was such a beautiful day I decided to take my wheel outside and get some spinning done while listening to her. She also is doing a Spin-a-long/Knit-a-long for the month of September - also known as "Tealtember".
Look how great this is spinning. I'm still not sure if I want to chain ply or two ply it yet. If you look closely at the picture you can see Mowgli admiring my spinning. Kinda like a 'Where's Waldo" scenario.
So paint your toes, buy some teal yarn, get educated about ovarian cancer.
When I did a lot of quilting I never liked to use the color teal. I'm not sure why but in fabric it just doesn't appeal to me. In yarn and fiber, though, I think it's beautiful. I've got a nice teal shawl that I will wear this month in support of Ovarian Cancer Awareness. Thanks for the info.
Yes, it is very quick (because it has no real symptoms). My very good bloggy friend was diagnosed 2 years ago just before Halloween, she was gone that December 4th!
Thanks for the post.
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