Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Yarn Along

Wow - I can't believe it's Wednesday already.  Where is the week going?  Since it's Wednesday it's time to join Ginny and see what everyone is up to - yarn-wise, that is.  And also get some good recommendations for books.  I am still on the same book Iv'e been on for months, which is the last 50 Shades series.  My goal is to finish before the end of June so I can load a new book on the Ipad before we go on the cruise.  If I thought I had limited reading time before, it has dwindled down to about nothing these days.  When I sit on the couch Mowgli is looking for some playtime so we do that for a while.  It gets hard to say no to this face.
His training is going well and there is some light at the end of the tunnel.  I remember when Magnum was a puppy it was a solid 3 months of dedication, then he became a dog and didn't need the constant attention.

Onto the knitting portion of the program....

Still working on the baby blanket.
It's hard to see much progress.  It's measuring about 24" in diameter.  I'm thinking I would like 36" total so we are nearing the end.  I love the yarn.  Nice and light.  I think it will be great for a summer baby.
I should be done this week then it's back to some crochet bags.  I still have this idea that I want to do this for Mother's Day.  How long till Mother's Day?

What's on your needles?


karen said...

love the colors in the blanket! Gorgeous and I could not say no to that sweet furry face either.

Sarah said...

That blanket is going to be really nice, but that puppy face...SO SO SO CUTE!! Good luck in the training.

sylvia said...

i love the combination of colours you chose. have a lovely day!

Lisa said...

Oh dear, Mother's Day is only a couple weeks away! Happy knitting!

Carole said...

I started reading the first Outlander book and it's so long I feel like I will be reading it forever. A few people have recommended Defending Jacob and I'm anxious to read that.

kathy b said...

Puppy training is SoOOO worth the effort. I love when people love their dogs enough to stick with training THe bond is so special. It is hard work. Congrats

Love your blanket colors too a departure from baby blue and pinks!
carry on


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