Tuesday, April 9, 2013

10 On Tuesday

I have to admit - the timing of this 10 On Tuesday  is perfect.  We were starting to plan our summer vacation and I started making a mental list of what I would need to bring.

1.  Cell phone and charger. Even on vacation I still need the ability to stay connected.
2.  Knitting.  No explanation needed.
3.  Ipad.  It will supply me with my knitting patterns, books, podcasts, music, etc....
4.  Passport.  It occurred to me this morning that we still need to get these.  I never had a need for one before, but even going to Canada you apparently need it now.
5.  Sunblock.  Even though I tan like a champ the suns rays are downright dangerous now and need to be limited.
6.  Camera.  I usually rely on my phone for photos but for vacation I step it up and bring the actual camera.
7.  In the olden days I would bring travelers cheques, but do they even use those anymore?
8.  Comfortable clothes and shoes.  No matter where we go there is usually a fair amount of walking.
9.  Meds. Besides my normal things I need to take, I bring the Tylenol, Benadryl, motion sickness meds, etc...
10.  My spindle.  If I'm in the mood to meet new people I break out the spindle.  It's a sure way to strike up a conversation with strangers.  People are amazed by yarn making.


Carole said...

Passports take 4-6 weeks to arrive once you file the application - get going, girlie! (And if you have any questions, let me know because I am a passport agent.)

kathy b said...

oh comfy shoes......that must go on my next list.
We walk and walk and my feet are always killing me

Patty said...

Sun block! Yes, I do not tan like a champ and have finally gotten very responsible about that in my old age!

Leslie said...

great list,everyone thinks of something I forgot.

Lapdog Creations said...

Great list! Esp #8 - comfy shoes are a must!

Nana Sadie said...

That's a great list! And going to Canada is why I got my passport a couple of years ago...yup the rules have changed.

karen said...

can I come with you? We've been going to Canada for years when they made the rule to have a passport it has made the border crossing to and fro so much easier!!


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