I have lots of fiber related things going on. I'm knitting on my sweater (no pics yet), still working on my socks and have been doing some spinning as well. It seems like every time we lose power I have the urge to spin. I'm probably getting in touch with my inner pioneer woman. I pulled out this Polworth/Silk combo I bought from Corgi Hill Farm last month. (I take no responsibility to what happens to your credit card if you click on the link - she has some beautiful things).
I drafted it and got it ready to spin.
All the blues reminded me of a Caribbean ocean.
I sat in front of the fire and started to spin.
After about an hour, the power came back on. I did my happy dance and resumed spinning for a while. I even read a bit (not for long though). One of these days I'll actually finish that 3rd Fifty Shades book.
So what's on your needles or wheels these days?
Joining Ginny as always on a Wednesday!
What a beautiful roving. Do you have a project planned for it once spun?
I've set myself a goal of spinning one hour/week. So far, so good but I think it definitely had something to do with the snow.
I hate when the power goes out even for a second. You sound more relaxed than me... Love that fleecey goodness in the photo!
Beautiful blue!
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