Monday, June 18, 2012

Currents and Gratitude

listening - birds chirping

eating - haven't decided yet

drinking - peach ice tea.  I'm trying to give up the coffee since I don't really need it to wake up in the morning.  All those calories in cream and sugar can't be good

wearing - black pants, green golf shirt

weather - Sunny and beautiful, in the 70's

knitting - Oaklet Shawl  has 10 rows left, Circle Socks with my Socks That Rock, ready to cast on Evenstar, and picked out the colors for my Color Affection

spinning - not quite so much with all the above knitting going on, but with Tour De Fleece coming up you can bet my wheel and spindle will be moving soon

reading - 50 Shades Darker.  While I was productive in knitting this weekend I didn't read too much.  I was hoping to be on the third book already, but alas, I still haven't figured out how to live on no sleep

wanting - to go strawberry picking.  We didn't get to do it this weekend and I'm afraid we might have missed the opportunity

needing - get rid of this pile of papers on my desk one way or another

enjoying - catching up on knitting podcasts.  Besides my old favorites, I'm finding a few new ones

looking forward - to setting my Tour De Fleece goal.  

wondering - if the watermelon and broccoli plants I bought hubby for Father's Day will produce anything.  The seeds that I planted died off when we transplanted them.  

thankful - a quiet morning so far.  Mondays are usually a bit chaotic

appreciating - not being a taxi driver.  While my nerves are still on edge and I am making my daughter nuts by making her text me every time she gets to her destination, I am beginning to enjoy this "teenager with a a license and a car" thing.  I can't believe how my time is my own now.  Part of me misses it, but a bigger part is enjoying it.

1 comment:

Miu said...

When I was younger we used to go strawberry picking, too, but it seems all fields are closed this days...


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