Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Sorry for the blog absence yesterday. Sometimes life has other plans than the ones we have. The weekend plans totally changed.  We got the news on Friday that we our sweet dog Magnum was in the last stage of kidney failure.  We were blindsided.  How could this dog that had been running around with his toys a week earlier be at the end of his life now?  We were told to enjoy the time we had left with him and take it day by day.  The weekend was spent with friends coming and going to visit our buddy for the last time.  He had very alert times where he would still fetch his toy when a visitor came to the foor (which Labs usually do).  As each day progressed you could see him struggle a bit more.   Each person got to spend their special time with him. It amazed me how many people loved this special dog. 

Yesterday morning it became evident that he was nearing the end.  And the decision to put him to rest was the most confusing and difficult thing I have ever had to do.  We just didn't want to say goodbye, but knew it was time.  The emptiness we feel now is indescribable.  We know that he is at peace and it's good to know he isn't fighting anymore but it's hard for those of us left here without him.  I know each day will ease the pain and time heals the wound.  But right now - it hurts.


Gale Bulkley said...

Oh Donna, it is so difficult to loose a beloved pet. No matter the circumstance, it is a devastating time in the life of a family.

Carole Knits said...

Of course it hurts. I'm so sorry.

calicokitty6 said...

I'm sorry to hear about your dog. It's hard for everyone when a beloved pet crosses Rainbow Bridge. (hugs) to you


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