Sunday, January 11, 2009

Weekend Fun

I was looking forward to this weekend - I was ready for it! It was a fun week. Got lots done. There was some knitting

Sock 2 is on the needles already. I love knitting with Trekking. Watching the colors change is so exciting.

I subscribed to Judy's spin 10 minutes a day technique. And it's working.

I finished the baby llama that I got at Rhinebeck. I am addicted to spinning on my Golding spindle. It just goes so fast. And it is so portable!

The pi shawl seems like it is taking forever. I would like to be able to wear it for the retreat in a few weeks - not too sure if that will happen. I also need to decide what kind of border I want to put on it. No pictures of that though - to me it looks the same and it is kinda depressing!

Saturday was spent spinning with friends at Slater Mill. I have no pictures to prove that, but let me assure you there was fun. I have to stick my camera in my knitting bag. I always seem to forget it. A natural photographer I am not! Slater Mill is a great place to meet. It's such a nice open airy place. They are doing great things as a community fiber guild. If you are a New Englander it's a great place to go see.

Being that it is January there is lots of football going on in our home. Playoffs to be exact. And there was explanation of football terms.

And there were teens acting silly

And the NY Giants are playing right now, so off I go to knit and watch. Let's go Giants!!!


cindy said...

Yes.......Slater Mill is lovely. Great to see you there..............

livnletlrn said...

Retreat in a few wks? Where?!


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