Tuesday, January 6, 2009

10 on Tuesday

I read Jessalu's post today and got inspired to finally do a "10 on Tuesday" post

10 Things I Want to Do In 2009

1. Continue with my weight loss. I lost about 25 lbs. since the summer and found a couple over the holidays. I am back on the wagon again though. I feel so much better when I am eating right.

2. Along that same chord - continue to exercise. As a matter of fact, I am making it a goal to find some activity that I really enjoy (besides walking with my friends) and want to do every day. No gym though please......

3. Find love for lace knitting. I have tried - really I have. I don't know if it's the constant concentration or what but I am just not feeling the love yet.

4. Be more attentive to my family - and not such a drill sargeant like I have been. I find myself walking in the door and barking out the orders when I should really keep my mouth shut. How many wives can walk into the house after work and find the dinner already cooked and the hubby doing laundry and cleaning. Yeah - he seriously does that.

5. Make a dent in my fiber stash. It is unbelievable. Really - I can't go to a fiber festival this spring until I get that pile down. For real.

6. Finish the sweater for my hubby (I will get pics on here soon - don't get too excited - I am only on the ribbing for about 2 inches). But he does deserve it. See reason in #4.

7. Talk less and listen more.

8. Organize organize organize. ALL. AREAS. OF. MY. LIFE.

9. Spend some time doing natural dyes this year - I want to plant a natural dye garden.

10. Stop being so serious - especially at work. I have job to get done and I do it to the best of my ability every single day but I notice that lately I don't laugh as much as I did - especially at the office. No reason for that - no reason for that at all. And I take that seriousness home with me. Again, see #4.

Hmm - didn't think I could come up with 10 things. I actually have more but I have to get out of here and pick up Nicole.

Anybody else with a list???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I could inspire you! :o))


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