Sunday, January 18, 2009

Christmas a little late

In all the Christmas chaos I never did post my knitting related Christmas presents.
They were all books, and to be honest I have only read through one and looked quickly through another. But look at the goodies!

Very funny! Nicole and I read through it and were hysterical. Some real cute cartoons.

I didn't take pictures of the two calendars I got though. One was the Yarn Harlot and the other was the Knitting Pattern a Day calendar. Speaking of that calendar, whats up with 4 days of the same damn pattern? Don't think that calendar will be on my list for next year.

As for knitting - I am in garter stitch hell. The pi shawl is just taking forever and the hell is that I don't think that I will have enough yarn for the darn thing. I was hoping to just work with the foxfire batt mixed with the celestial roving but I think it will be too short. I think the garter stitch will grow when I block it so I will have to see when I get to the end of the yarn. My original plan was to mix my other handspun blues but the thickness is not consistent and it puckered when I tried to mix it. Boo hoo.

And the Starsky sweater I am knitting for hubby is not fun. I have to come up with a better way to follow the charts. Any hints??


BammerKT said...

I'm coming over to steal your books. I have been eyeing that country weekend (or what the heck ever) book for awhile. There are quite a few really pretty sweaters in there.


livnletlrn said...

I deal with charts in a few diff. ways, depending on the situation. Not sure if any of these options will help you w/ Starsky, but: (1) Highlighter tape and a row counter. (2) Pinning chart directly to my project so I can refer to it often. (3) Learning to really *see* what's going on so I barely have to look at the chart. (4) Understanding the chart symbols so I don't have to refer to the written explanations.

calicokitty6 said...

I've got the same two calendars, "It Itches", "Eclectic Sole" and the Hand Dying book. They're are all great.

Hey can you make Panera this week? If not, I'll hope to see you soon.

Jessica said...

Great book selection! I really need to get Franklin's.


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