Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I thought all last night about what would be a good blog post. Nothing at all struck me as "I gotta blog about this." Oh sure there are lots of random things. Like my sock is still not growing as quickly as I would like. Or the fact that I still have no idea what I am doing for Christmas cards this year. I usually have cards planned out way in advance, but with a teen who is at that "oh please don't take my picture phase" I am having a hard time coming up with a nice photo card. I may just buy a cheap pack of old fashioned cards and call it a day. I am feeling so overwhelmed lately that I may not send any at all.

There - I said it - I am a bit of a Scrooge this year. Not too sure why. Well, part of it is that I am working way more than I ever have and that makes for less time to do those holiday fun things - which, pardon my language, is pissing me off.

I watch the news every day and see economic turmoil all around. I know I have so much to be thankful for yet I feel kind of depressed by it. I mean, if I was jobless tomorrow I wouldn't starve. We are not broke. I know my husband would do whatever needed to be done to earn money. I would do the same. I don't have babies anymore, so childcare isn't an issue as it is for so many women out there. I am healthy (as far as I know) and so is the rest of my family. OK, hubby not so healthy these days - he is still recovering from the rotator cuff surgery from hell of which we shall not speak.

So I really should be thankful yet I feel very grinchy. The tree is up and the lights are on. It just needs to be decorated. I'm not even so motivated to do that. I will do it, but usually it is just one of the things I look forward to.

There has been one thing that has put me in a good Christmas spirit and that is all the presents I knit this year. Just about everyone in my family will be getting a hand knit item from me. And that makes me feel good.

And to make this a totally Scroogey post - I have NO pictures to post.

Please come back tomorrow - I promise it will be prettier. Just getting that all "out there" made me feel better.

1 comment:

livnletlrn said...

psst...I haven't sent cards in years and we have eliminated a *ton* of "must-dos," yet we fully embrace the season -- almost entirely in non-commercial, handmade, old-fashioned ways.

Nothing grinchy about taking a step back and re-evaluating, then only continuing with what's truly important and satisfying. As a matter of fact, I think that's a lot more in keeping with the spirit of the season then grumpily running on the hamster wheel until you collapse.


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