Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Update on Ravelympics

Otherwise known as THE sock (as I have been referring to it on plurk.

I am down to just knitting the stockinette and that part seems to be going faster. I enjoyed the entrelac - after a few repeats I didn't need to look at the pattern anymore. It seems so huge but I tried it on and it does fit. A little roomy - but good. And what is THE sock laying in? A beautiful bed of cormo. Remember this? I washed a bunch of it and carded it and it sucked rocks. I just couldn't get the lanolin out of it. I tried to knit after I spun it and I hated it! I gave some away to my friend Heidi to have carded with her pygora goats. She sent it out and returned with this oh so soft combo of cormo and pygora that is to die for. She gave me about a pound and a half of it. I have to spin it still. The rest of the fleece (I had about a pound and a half left over) was still sitting in my closet. I sent it to the same people to process on it's own. They told me it was a great fleece. And I was cursing it. It turned out really nice as you can tell from the picture.

And speaking of spinning I also had my grey alpaca fleece processed with a nice shetland I picked up at the last NH Sheep and Wool. I wish you could feel how soft this is.

I have three huge bags this size (as compared to this 100 lb. lab)

That is what I will be spinning next after I am done with the blues for my half pi shawl.

Off to work. Enjoy your day!


Plain Jane said...

Your sock looks great! I haven't tried entrelac yet, but after seeing this, I might.

livnletlrn said...

an entrelac sock? That's cool...and just a wee bit crazy!

Faith said...

Mmmmm, yummy wool.

Hey! You're knitting the Annetrelac socks too! =)

Unknown said...

Love the sock! So pretty!


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