Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Completion Issues

I started another "simple" project that has been on my list. The Weavers Wool Shawl. I like the pattern - pretty easy to memorize by row 10. I have been anxious to make a small shawl with some of my handspun. Problem is...... this is some of my first handspun, and while it actually is nice, it just isn't real soft. I find myself not wanting to work on it.

I am determined to finish up the three skeins I have on this shawl. Even if I don't like the end result it will then become a gift for somebody.

Tough to work on that when I have this waiting for me to

Isn't it dreamy looking? I have 12 ounces of it and I am not sure what it wants to be yet. I might even just spin some nice singles and use it as that. That's the only reason I have not started spinning it. I know - I have to finish what's on the bobbin for the Rabozo Shawl.

I have.........completion issues.

1 comment:

BlueFlax said...

Where did you get this? Who is the seller? It is absolutely GORGEOUS!!


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