Monday, July 6, 2015


It was a great 3 day weekend with the perfect balance of fun, productivity and relaxation
Friday was a day to get errands done, get ready for the Fourth, go to the Pawsox and watch some fireworks (which of course, included some knitting)
Saturday turned out to be a cloudy day but perfect to be outside and not be too hot.  We celebrated with family and friends and watched the fireworks all around us from our deck as we ate a late dinner
Sunday was recovery day and the weather was perfect
A whole day to relax, read and knit and get ready for the upcoming week

How was your weekend?

Linking up with Karen.


steph said...

sounds pretty perfect!!!! stay cool!!!!!

Tracey ~ Clover said...

Don't you just love when it all comes together? Sounds like you had it in triple this holiday weekend. Happy Monday and Happy week to you.

Enchanted Wanderings said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend! We didn't make it to the Pawsox fireworks this year & we all are a little sad about that!!

elns said...

I love a well rounded weekend like yours! I had a similarly balanced one, though technically, for me, the 4th was actually the recovery, quiet day.

I love the colorway you are knitting!

Carole said...

Our weekend was a little more hectic since Dale had two band jobs on the 4th and we had to bring Hannah to the airport on Sunday. We still managed to get in a fair amount of time with friends and family, though, and since we're on vacation this week we are relaxing and having fun every day!

karen said...

the weather was crazy this past weekend! We had a nice friday but a nasty rainy saturday.Sounds like you had a nice weekend!!


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