Tuesday, April 1, 2014

10 On Tuesday - Fact or Fiction

Happy April Fools Day!  And to celebrate the day Carole has mixed it up a bit.  She has asked us to list 10 facts about ourselves.  Some are true, some are false.  You have to pick which ones are which.  Ready?

1.  I spent my weekend working on this adorable yarn wreath for a friend.
2.  I have 3 brothers - one older, two younger.
3.  A few years back while I was in my office Billy Joel walked in.  
4.  Caffeine does not affect me.  
5.  Pizza is my favorite food - I can eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner.
6.  Lemon is my favorite flavor.
7.  I love horses and can't wait to retire on a farm with lots of them.
8.  When I do retire it's down to Florida I go.
9.  I played flute in marching band in high school.
10.I have about 20 pounds of fiber in  my stash.

Have fun playing!  


Bonny said...

I'm wondering if maybe all of these are true! As a completely random guess, maybe #10 isn't true, and I hope #3 is!

Lisa said...

Hi Donna! These lists are so hard... Um, I'm thinking #4 isn't true unless you're like my DH who claims the same. Also, #7 and #8 might not be true, but what do I know? I'm just thinking that I've never heard of anyone spinning yarn from horse hair... :)

Blessings, ~Lisa

Tracey ~ Clover said...

I have no idea, I usually believe everything everyone tells me. Maybe # 7?

margene said...

It all sounds good to me!!

Patty said...

#7...and I'd love to hear the story if #3 is true! That wreath is awesome!

Carole said...

This is bad but I honestly have no idea which are true and which are false!

Christy said...

Wow, this one is hard. I'm going to go with #7 as being not true. :D

Mary said...

I was thinking #1, #4 and #5 might all be false. (I'd totally give you #1 if this were December, not April, though!)

Rachel Schaeffer said...

I say #1, #4, and #7 are false.(either that or #8, but I think only 7 OR 8 is true).

karen said...

4, 7, and 8 are false :) Just a wild guess!!


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