Thursday, March 20, 2014

I Knit

Back in October a good friend came for a visit.  She was admiring my knitting and asked if I could make her another cowl.  A few years ago I knit one for her and she loved it.  She requested one in red this time.  I told her it might take a little while as I had lots of projects going on but I would get it to her.

Christmas knitting followed, then Olympic knitting and other projects.  In the back of my mind I knew I needed to get that cowl done.  I would fit it in somewhere.

A few weeks ago I got a phone call saying that my friend lost her son unexpectedly.  I felt horrible.  I felt even worse because they live far away and I couldn't be there.  So I started knitting.  I had a design swirling around my head for a couple of weeks so I just started knitting.

I probably did more ripping back than knitting but I thought about my friend through all of it and was praying she would find comfort somehow.

I didn't like the size so I ripped it out.

I didn't like the drape so I ripped it out and used larger needles.

I finally settled on the pattern and although I will  make some modifications, I'm sure this is what my friend was looking for.

Since I can't be there to hug her I'm sending this to hug her instead.


Tracey ~ Clover said...

I'm so sorry for your friend Donna, how terrible sad.
I know she will appreciate the cowl cowl you knit her.

Bonny said...

I'm so very sorry for your friend's terrible loss. I know your warm and wonderful knitting will provide some comfort for both of you.

Unknown said...

How tragic. I am sure she will find warmth in it's fibers and in the love you knit into it. May she find peace in her despair.

Sue said...

I'm so sorry for you fried. What a devastating loss! The cowl is beautiful. I love the simplicity of the design and the color--it looks warm and wearable.

Janet said...

I'm sorry to hear of your friend's loss. I'm sure she'll feel the comfort and love you've knit into the lovely cowl.

karen said...

so sorry for your friend's tragic loss. I am glad you are able to send your love and thoughts through a knitted item.

Kasey said...

What a lovely way to send part of yourself, Donna. My sister lost her only child early this week in a car accident.... I cannot be there either, but I'm trying to find something to send, so part of me is there with her. <3


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