Friday, February 7, 2014

Lets Bake Some Bread

On Tuesday I spoke about a new bread recipe I was trying.  Now my version of baking bread is throwing 5 ingredients into the bread machine, pressing the button, and coming back 3 hours later. Yes you do get great tasting bread, but I wanted Artisan bread with a crunchy crust.  This recipe I heard about while watching Emily's podcast seemed too good to be true.  You basically mixed the ingredients together and let it sit for the day.
I came home after work to find it doubled in size.  I shaped it into a ball with some more flour, let it sit for 30 minutes while the dutch oven preheated.
They recommended putting some parchment paper along the bottom so it would be easier to lift out when it was done.

30 minutes later....
It was delicious!  And seriously - it was THAT easy.  The crust was nice and crispy and the inside nice and chewy.

You can bet we will be making more this weekend.  Speaking of the weekend go and enjoy yours!


Carole said...


karen said...

and now I'm craving bread :) Have a great weekend!!!!

Janet said...

That looks delicious!

Tracey ~ Clover said...

There is nothing better than the smell of homemade bread and then to eat a slice while it's still warm with butter melting off the sides is heaven!

amanda said...

I love this kind of recipe~ I use the no knead recipe out of mother earth news, it looks very similar, and I'm always amazed that I was able to produce such a nice looking loaf! ;)

Anke said...

The bread looks delicious! I use my bread maker, but only the dough setting. After that is done, I take it out, shape a loaf, let it rise and then bake it in the oven. The bread always has a nice crust to it. :-)

Lisa said...

I have yet to try baking bread with this method. I've been trying to avoid bread, but for an easy and delicious loaf, I could be tempted. :)


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