1. Cinnamon flavored anything. Except schnapps. There's an ugly story about that from when I was 19. We will talk about that another time.
2. My Red Apple Wreath Yankee Candle.
3. My Beats ear buds. I procrastinated about spending the $ on them and I'm so glad I did it.
4. Sangria. Yummmm
5. Lobster. No explanation needed.
6. Passion tea from Starbucks. With 3 Splendas please.
7. Apples. Especially fresh picked ones.
8. Roses. I love the deep red color especially right after they open. So beautiful.
9. My secret naughty addiction - a can of Coca Cola. I know. It's awful for your health. I have cut down. A lot.
I'm not a big red person either, but I was able to come up with a list nonetheless. Love that little red school house! :)
That's a great picture and list of reds. I'm not sure when it happened, but red has become one of my favorite colors.
Mmmmm...Sangria! And love the red barn picture - I love barns!
You did it! I love red so this was an easy one for me.
I will admit that I love red, but then with my coloring it works.
My mom use to be a big coke drinker too, she loved them.
Three splendas???? I thought my husband used many ;) I love red but don't wear it much but I should :) that photo is beautiful!!!
Red food is good. Picture is perfect.
Red Velvet Cake -- oh my, how I love that! I enjoyed the variety of your list :)
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