Monday, December 9, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

This by far will be the easiest TOT ever!  I live by To Do Lists and have many going at once. I could have covered the whole topic with a simple screenshot of my iPad. I have my personal, knitting and fiber, and work lists so I'll pull a few from each.

1.  Check on last years Christmas bonuses and make up the list for this year. Last year was a bit of a blur between the move and me getting the flu. 
2.  Which reminds me - get my flu shot. 
3. Organize my leftover sock yarn stash for my next project. 
4. Decorate the tree. It looks real pretty sitting with lights but some ornaments might make it look a little more festive. 
5. Finalize year end figures so I can get financial statements prepared. 
6.  Take pictures of my Kromski Polonaise and list it online. Time to make room in the toy box.  So I can buy some new toys!
7. Make my list for Yankee Candle. Every year my friend Diane and I take a trip to the flagship store after Christmas for their big sale. And of course we stop at Webs - it's right down the road. 
8.  Make phone calls about getting the windshield replaced on Nicole's car. 
9. Wrap all the presents I already bought. Some need to be mailed so this needs to happen rather quickly. 
10. Write my blogpost for the day.  I can check one thing off!

How's your To Do list looking lately?


Anonymous said...

Love your lists on your iPad. Is that a particular app? I don't have an iPad but one is in my very near future.

Lisa said...

You remind me of me, but my to-do's are mainly written on scraps of paper, often more than one, and my trusty daytimer, too. I've missed visiting all my favorite knitters and bloggers lately as keeping up with the bookkeeping for our business is taking up lots of my time along with trying to finish up Christmas gifts and all the ordinary things each day demands. Sigh. I woke up earlier than usual today and couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to make coffee and do some blog reading. :) Hope you get to check everything off your list!

Carole said...

Nicely organized list! It feels so good to cross things off, doesn't it?

Patty said...

Nicely done! I'd like to know the app too!

margene said...

Crossing off is the best part!

Nancy said...

Yankee Candle and WEBS? I'm green with envy - have fun!

Mary said...

I love how you organize your lists! hope you have good karma for getting more things checked off!

karen said...

so productive :) I like how you will squeeze knitting with candle shopping-clever you!


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