Monday, November 25, 2013

Ten On Tuesday - The Thankful Edition

I guess because it's Thanksgiving week that I must have been real in sync with Carole.  I started thinking about what I am grateful this year.

1.  My family.  That's what most everybody says, I  know.  This year it has even more meaning.  My husband lost an uncle and his mother. I lost an uncle this past weekend.  It makes me grateful that I have both my parents and that they are in good health.  Heck, I even have a grandfather - not many people pushing 50 years old can say that.
2. My health.  There are small issues, but nothing that I can't live with.  I pray I will be as healthy as my grandfather.  Can you imagine being almost 101 years old and not even having to take medication for any aillents?
3.  My daughter's college transition.  I was pretty sure she would make the adjustment, but a mom always has her concerns.  So far she has handled working, college and social life with fun and responsibility.  I have heard some horror stories from others so I was a little worried!
4.  Work.  There was a time a few years ago that my husband was unemployed and I had a job that was on a week by week basis because the economy was so bad.  We are still economically recovering from that time period and it will take a while longer to get back to where we were but we are heading in the right direction.  Phew...
5.  My iPad.  I procrastinated about getting one for the longest time.  When the mini came out I knew I would use it.  A day does not go by that I don't get on it.  I don't even use my laptop anymore.
6.  Vacation!  We hadn't been on a real one in a while and I was grateful that we got to go this past year. We are planning some stuff for next year as well.  Just a few days here and there for some quiet time is all I need.
7.  My puppy dog.  This time last year we were still missing Magnum so much.  I didn't even have it in my heart to start looking at another dog.  That Mowgli though - he just melts my heart.  I can't believe he will be a year old in January!
8. Knitting. Seriously. I always wonder what my life would be like without knitting. Pretty darn boring I'm sure! 
9.  My husband. We have been together almost 28 years. Married almost 25 of those years. He's always supports me especially this crazy fiber existence. Never has he said "you're buying MORE yarn???"  He's a big enabler. 
10. This blog and all of you who read it. I love reading all your blogs and you inspire me. Some of you I know personally. Some I only talk to online. Who would have thought that a blog could bring so many people together?

What's on your thankful list this year? 


Anonymous said...

Glad your daughter's transition was a good one. I've heard horror stories as well. I am lucky our boys also did well.

karen said...

I think my list would be the same! I chuckled about the ipad, because I was gifted one a year ago and now I cannot imagine knitting without it, I read all of my patterns from it, good bye paper :)

I hope I can be like your grandfather :)

Bonny said...

This is a terrific list! My gratitude is growing by leaps and bounds every time I read all the things others are thankful for.

I'm still holding out on getting an iPad, but it sounds like it really might be the right tool for me since you mentioned you don't even use your laptop any more.

Deborah Hamilton said...

My list is very similar to yours except I haven't gotten an Ipad yet. I might have to try that in the new year.

Unknown said...

Love your list - and, it made me think of more things that I'm thankful for! My daughter started high school this year & it was a huge change for her. The beginning of the year was rough for her, but she's settling in and getting used to hs. I am SO thankful for that.

Leslie said...

Gret list, wonderful blessings.

Carole said...

This is a wonderful list.


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