Earlier in the week I had mentioned that we went to Fiber Revival. Carole had been talking about it for years, Wendy mentioned she was going this year, then Lisa said a bunch of girls from our spinning group were going. It sounded like it was meant to be. So off we went. And I'm glad we did. There were vendors and friends and spinning and knitting. Fiber Heaven! My plan was to buy some fiber to keep my going until November for the New England Fiber Festival when I can stock up again.
The weather was perfect. I really should have taken some pictures. I think I took one with my camera but the rest are iPhone shots. I'm glad I at least did that.
There was a beer truck. And all cheered when he pulled in.
I'm not a huge beer fan. But I like the concept! And it made the wheels happy. See:
Sadly I left my wheel at home. I love my Lendrum but it isn't super portable. I brought my drop spindle and used that. Until I bought this.
It's the Road Bug by Merlin Tree. And I'm in love.
Now I had a Hitchhiker Wheel when they first came out around 2007. It small and cute, but it was noisy. And it just wasn't a real "smooth" spin. I sat in the Merlin Tree booth with Dave and Kathy and tried this little gem out. And it was great. So much better than my old one. There is even an option for a double treadle if you want. I'm a single treadle girl myself.
So I spent my day spinning on it.
And now it lives with me.
I didn't know you bought a wheel - good for you!
Happy new WHEEL It is beautiful
Hooray for you and your new road bug!!!!!
Fiber Revival sounds pretty awesome. We have a 'yarn crawl' in the spring that culminates with a day of spinning exhibitions. Unfortunately we had some impatient little ones with us...next year I will plan a little differently so as not to miss! looks so challenging, but fun! Have a good weekend :)
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