Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekend in Pictures - and a Few Words

A very relaxed weekend was enjoyed by all.  There was fancy breakfast

I can take credit for the actual making of the pancakes.  The fancy part was done by the kids.

I did make a nice dessert for my parents on Saturday night.

What is it you ask?  Well - I baked a vanilla cake.  When it was finished I poked holes in it and poured Buttershot Liquor in it.  Then I made a parfait sort of thing with pieces of the cake, cool whip, chocolate bars, and some ricotta cheese & a bit of sugar.  It was yummy.  And the longer it sits, the better it tastes.

Hubby got some oysters from one of the vendors at work.

Oysters are not my thing.  But my parents enjoyed it.  They did a taste test comparing the West Coast oysters, Massachusetts oysters, and RI oysters. That is the reason for the tags near each kind.   Surprisingly the RI variety won.  I thought the West Coast would have had it all over them.  This family can make a game out of anything.

And of course there was knitting.  I sat on the couch yesterday around 1:00.  The sun was shining so the light was perfect and I knit and watched the Celtics vs the Heat.

So how was  your weekend?


Carole said...

I'm sorry but I'm completely distracted by the oysters. I'm incredibly jealous, too.

karen said...

I'm distracted by the cake! Yum! Glad you had a good time and we like to make a game out of anything too. It doesn't take much to entertain us.

Enid said...

a lovely weekend


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