It's the end of the year and time to reflect on 2012. Let's take a look at the goals I set for the year and if I actually accomplished any of them.
1. Keep schedules better. With all the apps I have downloaded to my Iphone such as Toodle Do, Informant, Springpad, Evernote, Organizing - you would think I had it all together. I guess I do - it's just spread out all over the place and needs to be streamlined.
I did very well with this. I put all my reminders on my phone and it seemed to keep me on track. I am still in search for the perfect calendar app, but I find I get too overwhelmed with some of the options out there. Keep it simple works best for me.
2. Take more pictures with my camera. I was looking to get a DSL camera after Christmas but I couldn't justify spending the money if I can't even operate the 3 simple digital cameras correctly. I am carrying my camera with me all the time and I plan to go online and find some helpful tutuorials.
I made some good progress with my picture taking but I will admit that I take a lot on my phone since getting the new 5 a couple of months ago. I have become a bit of an Instagram junky.
3. Read more. I have my Nook Color and I love it. I just have a hard time reading these days with knitting calling my name. I think I can manage both at the same time if I am knitting simple socks now.
I have definitely read more. Like I actually finished some books. For me that is huge. I have a lot more progress to go in the reading department.
4. Speaking of knitting - I want to knit most of my sock yarn stash. It is not huge. I'm guesstimating that I have maybe enough yarn to knit 20 pairs of socks. And socks make great gifts.
I think this was my biggest accomplishment. If memory serves, I only bought 1 skein of sock yarn all year? I used up a bunch of my stash. I still have a decent amount of yarn to go, but overall I put a dent in the stash and refrained from purchasing more.
5. Card and spin that awesome fleece I got last year. I am hand carding it (yes, I do have access to a drum carder but I like to hand card in small amounts and I think I can do this). This fleece will become a sweater for me and my daughter next year sometime.
I got some of this done, but not nearly as much as I had planned. I may bring this with me on the Spinning Retreat in a couple of weeks.
6. Publish one of my patterns. Even if it is only on my blog, I will feel like I contributed something in exchange for all those great free patterns I use on Ravelry.
I only published one pattern on my blog but I am happy with that. I have another pattern to publish and some people have been nice enough to offer the test knit. I am going to try and work on that soon.
7. Explore the vegetarian lifestyle. I never thought I would say this but I have met quite a few people lately who have made the change and they look and feel great. I think they may be on to something.
Nope - did nothing towards this. I have cut down on meat but I don't count that.
8. Take Country Line Dance lessons. I went to Tobie Keith's "I Love This Bar" a couple of weeks ago to see a friend play in a band and was in awe of all the people line dancing. I think I convinced Lisa to do this with me.
Didn't get to that either....
9. A place for everything and everything in it's place. I can't count the hours that are wasted in my household on "straightening up". Bottom line - we have way too much crap for one household. Bottom line problem - some people, who shall remain nameless, refuse to throw anything out. I am afraid I will have to resort to drastic measures to make them see the error of their ways. If anyone has any helpful hints, please pass them on. In the meantime, you will find me sneaking big black garbage bags into the dumpster at 6:30 AM.
Small progress was made. I can only control myself. I refuse to fight over it. As long as I can find my own things, everybody else around here can do as they please.
10. Change up the blog. My blog has had little attention, let alone not many entries. It has been neglected and I plan to spruce it up a bit. Stay tuned.
I haven't done much with the blog look. Hubby did get my domain name secured and a new website should be up and running in a couple of months. Very exciting!
While I didn't accomplish as much as I wanted I think I did fairly well and feel good about it. I will have a list of 2013 goals up soon.
Any progress we make is good and you should be proud of the goals you kept.
You made great progress! Congratulations!
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