Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Some Yarn

I did a fair amount of spinning on the retreat.  I really wasn't sure what I felt like spinning.  I had my fleece to hand card and spin, but I was craving more color than just brown.  I brought the fleece, the shetland, the rasberry roving, my drop spindle and roving I have just for that (did I mention the blanket I'm making from my spindle spun yarn?  We'll get into that insanity another time).  My car looked like the Beverly Hillbillies when I drove up to Sacred Heart.  Before I left on retreat, I had started spinning some shetland I found in the stash with plans of knitting a scarf with it, but it didn't end up being soft enough.

I am going to add it to my "natural colors" stash for now.  I plan on making a shawl with all my natural colored yarn that I have spun.  I still don't know if I am going to knit or weave it yet.  Nothing has caught my eye.

Check out how this spun up.  From this:

 To this:

It spun up almost a chunky weight.  That merino really puffed up after it was washed.  I have no idea what it wants to be.  I'm sure it will speak to me soon.  In the meantime, it's back to that sock stash.


Carole Knits said...

I think a shawl out of your natural colored handspun is a brilliant idea.

Natalie said...

Oh! My! word!! That yarn you hand spun in the pinky colours is out of this world gorgeous. I seriously think it is one of the prettiest I have seen. Ever! Please do share when you decide what you will make with it.

W-S Wanderings said...

Oh, I so want to learn how to spin my own yarn! Your handspun turned out BEAUTIFULLY. I can't wait to see what it tells you it wants to be.



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