Monday, January 30, 2012


EXCUSE THE FORMAT - BLOGGER IS BEING DIFFICULT THIS MORNING Listening - 630 WPRO News Eating - nothing right now Drinking - orange juice Wearing - sweats & purple turleneck with a jacket Reading - 1000 Gifts (still - I know, I'm a slow reader) Weather - sunny and in the 40's. Very pleasant Knitting - socks (that will be every week after my resolution) Wanting - to take my daughter's pain away after hearing that her friend was tragiclly killed yesterday Needing - an hour to myself to get my thoughts together before dealing with the week Enjoying - the days being longer Looking forward - getting my house back in order after the weekend Wondering - if there will be enough snow in upstate NY so we can go snow mobiling this weekend.


Unknown said...

I just heard about the riding accident on the noon news. So sad. I didn't realize you were in Rhode Island too! I hope you had a good weekend away!

Mary said...

strong thoughts your way on handling that tragedy...and for the rest of your week! (love the content even if the format didn't cooperate - maybe it's a good thing I didn't have time for blogger today!)

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for your daughter and obviously her friend. We try to ease our son (he had 3 friends die over a 6 month period) by saying that some tragedies are really freak accidents which no one has any control over but it is so so hard. You are both in my thoughts.


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