Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10 on Tuesday

Great topic this week! We had the perfect weekend in the northeast. It was like summer. So here are 10 Things I Did This Weekend.

1. We laughed. And laughed and laughed. Mostly because of number 2.
2. Had a great visit with family. The cousins came to visit and it was great. Nicole got to hang out with her cousin who is her age and they had so much fun.
3. We went apple picking. A little late for us but we still managed to pick 30 pounds.
4. We went to an Italian Feast in Providence. And we ate our way thru the entire thing. Good thing I did a lot of number 5.
5. Walked. For miles. Every place we seemed to go required a lot of walking and it felt good.
6. Went to Waterfire. For anybody living within an hour of Providence this is a must see. They have big goblets of fire sitting in the canals while music is piped throughout. We don't go very often anymore because the crowds get a little too much to deal with but once in a while is fun.
7. Had a car wash for Nicole's chorus group. They were selected to sing at Disney in December which is awesome. Now they just have to earn money to get down there.
8. Finished my weaving project. That will get it's own post soon.
9. Got Nicole's ear double pierced. She had been asking for a couple of years and when her cousin came to visit they asked if they could go together. The above picture was taken afterwards.
10. Went to the Scituate Arts Festival. This was my first time going and I was amazed at how many craft vendors there were. I was equally amazed to see that nobody was buying. Anything. Sad sign of the economy for sure.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

i would love to go to an Italian festival! sounds like a great weekend. and those cupcakes from your last post look delicious!!!

Patty said...

Thanks for the reminder about Fire Walk - that is a trip we really need to make one of these days. And I'll have to get a restaurant recommendation! Looks like a great weekend was had!


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