Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

I usually don't participate in Ten on Tuesday posts but this was an easy one. And it feels good to contribute!

10 Things You Do Every Day

1. Let my puppy out. If I don't get up by a certain time my buddy makes sure I do.
2. Take a shower. I never feel truly awake until that water hits my face.
3. Make a coffee stop on the way to work. Sometimes it's Dunkin. Sometimes it's McDonalds. And it's not always coffee. I don't need that caffeine injection to get me going. I might have a coolatta or a frappe.
4. Watch the morning news. I love Channel 10. I'm not real fond of the weather forecasters though.
5. Check email and Facebook. The way Facebook keeps changing their format is driving me crazy though.
6. Check my Google Reader.
7. Tweet. Yes I'm a twitter fan. I didn't see a rational reason why people would want to do this but it is addicting!
8. Listen to the radio. Especially at work. I go back and forth between talk radio and podcasts.
9. Charge my iPhone. Which I use for just about everything. Including writing this post. It's my favorite gadget and I always say its so useful that I could marry it.
10. Say I Love You to my family. Every. Day. You never know if it will be the last thing you get to say to them.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Carole Knits said...

I completely agree about the iPhone. And also telling your family how you feel. So. important.

Chantelle said...

This is really nice :) Sounds like a great day.

dianne said...

Blogging from your iphone, very cool! I recently got one but haven't figured that out yet.

Patty said...

Hi Donna - great list and cute dog!


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