Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by my fun friend Debby at http://calicokitty6.blogspot.com Here's what you do:

Post the rules on your blog. Link to the person who tagged you. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Here's some randomness about me....

1. I can't fall asleep at night unless I have my right hand on my stomach. It's a habit I got into while pregnant with my daughter. I would love to feel her kicking at night.

2. My favorite color is purple - although most of you know that if you see what I knit and spin!

3. I have had basically one job my whole life - working for my family (first my parents then my brother).

4. I could eat pizza every single day and not get tired of it.

5. I've been a girl scout leader for 8 years.

6. Even though I have one child I drive a mini van and have for 8 years. Probably because I have to taxi all those girl scouts around!

I am tagging:

http://kniticity.blogspot.com/ Anne

http://caroleknits.knitblog.com/ Carole

http://www.spunkyeclectic.com/wp/ Amy

http://livnletlrn.blogspot.com/ Debbie

http://pixiepurls.com/ Pixie

http://sleepyeyesknitting.blogspot.com/ Gina

And yeah - I will post some knitting content soon. I promise!

1 comment:

Gina House said...

Oops! I totally forgot to do this tag!! I've got to do a post on Sunday, or maybe I can squeeze it in today before work....I love these things! So great of you to help Cayli, too. Isn't she awesome? (you are, too)


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