Sunday, March 4, 2007

Where am I????

Sorry it's been so long since I posted - don't know where the time has gone. I guess I have been just pre-occupied with life in general and not alot of fun knitting/spinning news to share.

Basically, I have been knitting gifts (since December). I gave my hubby an alpaca scarf and a ski mask for Valentines Day since he got no hand made gifts for Christmas. I have a couple of other gifts on my needles that I can't share right now.

Half my yarn has been sold on etsy . I have been cooking more this weekend. Yesterday I got this done

Now that spring is approaching I thought more pastel colors would be more in demand. Today in the dyepot we have this

It looks nice and bright now, but it seems that the more it dries the more muted the colors become. I am still pleased with all results so far. I should have the etsy store updated by tomorrow evening.

I am spinning yarn from the bale from the Sheep Shed Studio. It will be part of the Robozo Shawl from Folk Shawls. It is one of my longer "work in process" projects. I need to take pictures of it. It is real nice to spin and pretty soft. And I have LOTS of it (right Pat??).

We went to the Knitters Breakfast at Fabric Place. Enjoyed spending the time with my wonderful friends who share my obessession, but the breakfast wasn't as much fun as the one in the fall. Got some yarn for a gift I will be knitting soon (again, can't say much about it yet).

Today will be spent getting my knitting schedule in some sort of order. Not that I want to turn it into "work", but I have so many projects that I want to either start, have started, or need to start (or just cancel my lofty aspiration altogether). I have project bags all over my house. Need some direction here folks. I hope to feel more in order by the end of today.

Enjoy your Sunday!!!!

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