Sunday, April 17, 2016

Another Week Ended

Busy busy around here. Blog was totally neglected for almost 2 weeks. Yikes!  How does that happen?  Let's talk about the beautiful weekend that just passed, shall we?

While Saturday was sunny it was too windy to enjoy much outdoor time. Sunday was another story. Mowgli was doing jumps and flips with excitement. He got some fresh air and a fresh bone. I caught up on some podcasts and played with some secret knitting. The warmth of the sun on my face felt like seeing a friend that I hadn't seen in months. Kind of like the hummingbirds saying "yes, I'm back but only for a seemingly short time so enjoy". And enjoy I did. 

How was your weekend?


mamasmercantile said...

Intermittent showers and a drop in temperature, typical April weather but I did manage to pot on some plants.

Carole said...

I felt the same way about the sun yesterday - welcome back, old friend, it's so nice to see you - was all I could think when I sat out on the deck with that warmth on my face. Glad you're back, too.

Anonymous said...

It was just about a perfect weekend weather wise in PA. Your needles are amazingly beautiful!

Tracey ~ Clover said...

I felt the sun on my face too, it was nice! Now if the heat will just stay away so I don't have to turn on the a/c I will be happy, we are suppose to be 88 F tomorrow!!!

Julia said...

Sunny here in WI, got a tiny bit of yard work done and the kids bit a fort. So nice to have the windows open!!!

Linda said...

It was pretty here too. Got out for a walk both days. and of course got some knitting done! I'm not looking forward to the really hot weather coming! not a fan of it!!

Linda in VA

karen said...

beautiful sunny skies and a great weekend here. It was not that windy and we could sit outside, first time in the year!!


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