Friday, March 11, 2016

Oh Hush Up!

I  know, I know - I do have something else on the needles (and no, I have no idea how many projects that makes in total).  This, actually, has been on the needles since January (since my spinning retreat actually).  It's the Starshower Cowl and I'm using the my Fiber Optic Gradient set that I bought at Rhinebeck last year. It's the "I have to pay close attention to this" project and that's why it hasn't gotten much action lately.  But the realization is that the warmer weather is coming and I want to get this done while it's still cool enough to wear a cowl.  So I have been dedicating some time to it lately.

This weekend is supposed to be warm and very Spring like.  I'm hoping to get outside with my spinning wheel (in addition to spinning at the RISG meeting Saturday).  I hope you enjoy your weekend and if the weather is cooperating - get outside.


Bonny said...

Your gradient is gorgeous! Wishing you a wonderful spring-like weekend!

Julia said...

Very pretty cowl, love the colors! Thanks for mentioning it, I think spinning out in the garden may be exactly what I need!

Carole said...

I'm hoping for some outside time, too. Pretty colors in that cowl.

karen said...

I was outside for the past few days and thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful weather. I love the color of your knit :)

kathy b said...

What a great RHINEBECK yarn put to a wonderful pattern!

Unknown said...

Ohh, so pretty.

Tracey ~ Clover said...

It's a beautiful color Donna and I hope you have a chance to wear it this season. We are warm here and I saw on Tuesday it will be 86!!!
Enjoy your weekend.

mamasmercantile said...

Beautiful both pattern and yarn. Hope you manage to get some spinning done outside, I am truly hoping that I can get some jobs done outside.

Unknown said...

oo pretty pattern, that's going to look so pretty with the colour changes


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