Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Yarn Along

I can't bear to show you the sweater progress in fear that you'll die of boredom. I have been knitting on a few things recently since I decided that the sweater was not going to be finished by the end of the Ravellenics.

One is a secret project so I can't reveal it yet. 

Then there's always a sock. 

I have had this on the needles since I don't know when.  I'm not thrilled with the yarn  - it's not as soft as I thought it might be but I'm loving the stripes. 

So it gets some love here and there.

I'm still "reading" Divergent on audiobook hoping I can finish before the movie comes out in a few weeks. 

Joining Ginny.  


Tracey ~ Clover said...

I had a pair of socks that took me a year to knit, but I finally finished them.
I think your yarn is very spring like.
Are you enjoying Divergent? I have all three of the books on Audible, but I haven't listened to them yet.

Hannah said...

I know that "still knitting a sweater sinking feeling on a wednesday" so well!
I love the colours of your stripes.
I giggled when you said there's always a sock - so true!

karen said...

me bored with your sweater--never! love the socks and you know my sweater was probably just as boring :)

Lisa said...

Oh, Donna, I just had to chuckle when I read your post...and then the comments! A laugh was just what I needed this windy, rainy morning. "There's always a sock..." :) Love the colors! I'm sure my purple baby blanket is getting boring week after week...hadn't thought of it that way until now. Oh my. :)

steph said...

i love those stripes, too!!!! (I so know what you mean about showing the same project…that sock blanket nearly did my blogging in!!!!)

Darcel {MahoganyWayMama} said...

I like the colors of that yarn. I want to try some socks. Think I'll make some for myself first and then the kiddos.

Heather said...

Oh goodness, I am sure everyone dies of boredom to see my projects week after week getting an inch knit here and an inch knit there :-) The socks look really great!

Janet said...

I almost always have a sock on the needles too. Great colors in the yarn.

Carole said...

Pretty stripes!

elizabeth said...

it is a nice coloured sock! :)

Unknown said...

Loving the stripes, very Spring-like :)

EMMA said...

You can't help but like stripes!

Anke said...

I like simple, striped socks. Don't know why, but they make me happy. :-)

Mary G said...

The yarn may soften when washed ... else you could always donate them.

I, too, love the stripes ... very cool.

Mary G.

Alisa said...

my sweater is sitting in the basket as I try to finish up my daughters sweater.....and yes you are right about there always being a sock.....yes we can always go back to that sock that's been on the needles a while and that's alright.....right?? hehe!! Happy knitting!!

Sarah said...

I love the sock stripes! And well, sometime soon you will have a sweater to share and we will all oooh and ahhh over the beauty of the finished project! Until then... happy knitting!

Anonymous said...

I find that sometimes the yarn softens up after blocking. Hopefully, that helps with your socks.


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