Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Yarn Along

Well - it goes something like this.  I have been knitting like the wind on my Olympic Sweater.  My plan was to be finished with the body and working on the sleeves by now.  I have 4 inches left to go on the body.  But the project has come to a halt.

My hands are killing me.  Throbbing in the middle of  the night killing me.  So this coach made a decision. The project is on hold.  I'm not knitting.  Anything.

Do you hear that?  I am not knitting anything.

At first I thought I would go crazy.  What am I going to do?  Tonight is my Spinning Night with the girls where I was planning on getting a solid 2 hours of knitting done.  But that's OK.

I could spin, since it's a spinning group right?

I'm thinking the movement should not bother my left hand too much since I do most of the work with my right hand.  And I would really like get this fiber spun up for socks.

So the word for this week is improvise.  And if this doesn't work, trust me - I have more things to do!

Join Ginny to see what those who can actually knit are doing.


Gale Bulkley said...

What a shame, although your decision to give your hands a rest is a good one.

Tracey ~ Clover said...

Oh Donna, I am so sorry about your hands. Have you ever heard of Blue Emu? It works wonders for me.

Paula said...

Hope your hand is feeling better soon. 'Nothing' is worse than not being able to knit :)

Erin said...

Oh, I'm so sorry about your hands! You are definitely doing the right thing. When you get back to knitting, make sure you only knit for 15-20 minutes and then take a 5-10 minute break. Your hands need it!

Deborah Hamilton said...

I'm sorry you are having problems. Sometimes my hands ache, too. I take some aspirins and read a book. It will pass.

Deb Hickman said...

Oh no, I hope your hand gets better soon!!!!! Pretty fibre. X

CathieJ said...

I hope your hands are feeling better soon. It is so hard to be idle when we want so much to craft.

Sara said...

I'm sorry about your hands, too! Do you do any exercises for them? Google Stretches for knitters and see what you find. Or check Pinterest. They help me. I hate knitting injuries!

Mama Gone Green said...

sorry to hear about your hands. Here's to some super healing!!

Janet said...

I hope your hands will feel better with a little rest.

Sarah said...

I am so sorry to hear about your hands Donna!! I have tendonitis in my foot leftover from an ankle sprain a few months ago so that limits other activities - even though I can still knit, sleeping is hard when it is throbbing! haha! Maybe I should just view that as more time to knit! Really hoping your hands heal quickly and you get some relief so you can return to your normal knitting. That fiber is lovely and would make a beautiful pair of socks!

flyingjen said...

Oh no. I'm sorry to hear that your hand is bothering you so much you can't knit. I have either tendonitis or the beginning of arthritis in my left thumb. It comes and goes and sometimes it hurts so much I can't squeeze a thing. So far it has not impacted my knitting. Which is good. I'm a slow enough knitter I don't need any holdups!

Alisa said...

so sorry to hear your hand is sore....hoping that clears up fast so you can get back to knitting again! That fiber is great and will make such fun socks!!

Mary G said...

I don't spin (yet) but that must have been so hard to "no" to knitting ... I don't think I could do it. But the spinning looks beautiful!

Mary G.

Anonymous said...

Donna, I hope your hands feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

May your hands heal quickly! Your spun yarn is beautiful.

sustainablemum said...

Hope the rest works!

Erica Saint said...

Eek, no knitting! I hope your hands feel better soon.

karen said...

sorry about your hands but I've been there. I'm lucky that one day off does the trick. Last year I had to take a week off again, lucky. Maybe as knitters we like to live on the edge of danger. Take care, feel better soon and REST those precious hands!!!


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