I just love those 3 day weekends. You know - Memorial Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, etc... It makes Sunday a more gentle day, ya know? Here's some of my favorite things to do on those days.
1. Sleep in - just a little. 7AM is perfect.
2. Make myself a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate and enjoy without being rushed out the door.
3. Knit for a while in the the morning. While I'm enjoying that hot cuppa. And some podcasts too.
4. Do some shopping, if I can get to the store early enough. If not, it's online for me.
5. Take a longer walk or hike, or just do something outside if weather permits. I sit in an office the rest of the week and don't get out there too often.
6. Cook or bake. I don't do much of either these days but I like to when I have that extra time.
7. Spin. Outside if possible. If not, I sit in the "sun room" inside the house (aka, the room with the 3 large sliding doors) and enjoy.
8. Catch up on some reading.
9. Watch the news. I'm usually out the door early most days and get to briefly listen to it.
10. Enjoy my family. It's rare that we are all home at the same time lately.
Link up with us on Carole's page and let's hear how you like to spend that extra day.
Oh, you're good and you want the family there. I like it when they all go to work and I get to stay home alone!
That's a good list. I'm like Carole, and like to have the place to myself and the cats!!
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