Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Yarn Along and Along and Along.....

It's Wednesday and you know what that means here.  It's time to discuss the knitting and reading that is currently happening.  The reading - still working on my 50 Shades occasionally.  I got back into it while I was on vacation.  I will probably get to read it a bit this weekend.  I have to admit that my choice when I am knitting these days is catching up on podcasts.  But back to the knitting.

While I was packing up some knitting to take with me on the cruise I perused the project bags.  It seems I have quite a few UFO's hanging about.
I love my bags.  Speaking of bags that is one of my projects for the weekend.  To organize them all.  I am way too scattered these days.  But back on topic...

I started with the project with a size deadline.  If I don't get this sweater done soon the baby will outgrow it so it moved up on the priority list.

I always have a sock going and this is the one and only pair I have on the needles.
I just love those colors.  We went to a baseball game Monday night and I got a lot done while sitting there.  That's why I love socks!

I can't believe I actually have to buy more yarn to finish this project.
I thought this market bag would be a great stash buster.  It busted the stash, but I don't have much else to go with those colors.  I guess I will have to look for a sale on cotton.  Buy more yarn?  Bummer....

I forgot about my Entwined Shoulder Shawl.  I love this pattern.
I'll be picking this up again soon.  I got side tracked with baby knitting.

This shawl....
is in time out.  I am frustrated and I don't have the patience lately to figure out the edging.  It's nobody's fault but my own.  I improvised and it's making it difficult to finish.  I love the yarn though and that will make me finish it.  One day.  Maybe soon.

So that's what's on the needles.  Did I mention that Tour De Fleece started this week?

Joining Ginny.


Anonymous said...

I *love* that stripey sock! I would wear those with my denim skirts... cute, cute! :)

Unknown said...

Such pretty UFO's!! What yarn are you knitting the sock in? I LOVE it! And yes morning sickness! :-) Lots of baby knitting to begin soon!!

karen said...

I hope you decide how to finish the shawl that is in time out, it's beautiful! I have project bags like that littered about the house. You just never know what you are in the mood to knit!!

kathy b said...

I LOV e your sock colors. Are you making the stripes yourself? I once did that and it came out lovely like yours.

I am frogging the watermelon socks...they need a lace pattern. THey are too busy in plain stockinette

TOday: casting on sparkly socks for a lucky little girl !

Chrissy said...

So much wonderful knitting and crochet going on over here! Very inspiring!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! xxx

Kristina said...

Your UFOs are lovely, but mostly I am jealous of your project bags. I just use large zip lock bags, not nearly so pretty! I may have to get some for myself. :-)

dawn said...

That bottom shawl is gorgeous! I hope it behaves so you can get it done.

steph said...

oh, gosh, is this a case of the grass is always greener....I'm loving all of your UFOs!!! Wanna swap?

Sue said...

Wow, that's a lot of UFOs--you almost have as many as I do. : ) I love your project bags!

Michelle said...

You've got to watch out for those baby sweaters...and the yarn that's intended for baby sweaters. I'm going through my stash and frogging projects that I started when my now seven and eight year olds were tiny. :-)


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