Last time I blogged I was in the middle of the holiday craziness of shopping and knitting. Then we were moving the office (in the most disorganized way possible I might add). And then I got the flu. That was the final straw. And then everything stopped.
I must admit that I take it for granted when I feel well because I am very blessed. I am generally healthy. I barely get sick. I never got a flu shot because I had never gotten the flu in my adult life. I can tell ya I am getting one next year because I don't ever want to be this sick again. It's been over a week and I am still feeling like crap. I can at least function and get out of bed, but I am far from feeling good.
Despite it all the shopping got done, some baking happened, packages got mailed and I was binding off the last project Christmas Eve 10 minutes before leaving the house. But it all got done. And we enjoyed being together during the holiday.
I will spend the next few days catching up on everything. Including reading my favorite blogs. And enjoying the holiday season. Hope you are enjoying yours.
Merry Christmas!
I hope you are recovering completely soon!
merry christmas! Glad you survived the flu and now maybe it will be a very healthy 2013!!
I'm so sorry you got sick, I've had the flu before and it really does knock you for a loop.
Merry Christmas! Your tree is beautiful!
I'm sorry you've been so sick. Hopefully you will be 100% soon!
Sorry to hear you were so sick over Christmas - not fun at all. I'm just starting to get some sinus problems - but it at least it considerate enough to wait till after our trip and Christmas.
Hope you have a quite few days and get back to feeling yourself ASAP.
Catching up on blog reading/commenting. Oh I am so sorry you got sick and what a horrible time of year to get the flu. (Actually there really never is a "good" time to get it). I hope you are feeling all better soon!!
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