Thursday, September 22, 2011

Where Did The Summer Go?

In the blink of an eye it's September. Wow! I have a hard time with the transition from Summer to Autumn. Wait - it's not the change of seasons. It's the change of responsibilities that come with Autumn. Mostly Nicole and her school schedule. She is a Junior now and it's a busy year for her. Varsity jacket, school ring, junior prom, SAT, and throw in a car and drivers license in there too. It gets me dizzy.

But let's relax a bit and review our summer- shall we?

There were a few really hot days. Thank goodness it was only a few.

There was weaving. This is only half the blanket. The second half is on the loom now.

There was a pesky little hurricane. Not much damage done at the homestead. Lost power, phones etc at the office for almost a week.

There was spindle spinning. There was more spinning done on my spindle than on my wheel I think!

Most of all there was lots and lots of fun. We had kids over the house constantly and had a blast. We played volley ball, badminton, bocci, football, hockey (ok - so maybe I only did the volleyball and badminton). Nights were spent playing cards and games and watching movies and just enjoying these last years of the kids wanting to spend time with us before they all get cars and become independent. Where does the time go?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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