Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A different Christmas List

Have you started your Christmas shopping? Well - it's December 23rd. I hope I'm done. No matter how early I start there is always little last minute stocking stuffer items to buy.

Tell me about your special traditions. Baking cookies - epic fail this year. Nicole did bake some but I have been out of the house most days so it hasn't happened yet. In the last few years I put off the baking until after Christmas when I have more time. I do make Italian cheesecake and that is breakfast on Christmas morning. We always have the typical Italian Christmas Eve with all the fish.

Are you a Black Friday shopper? Oh yes - the highlight of Thanksgiving weekend! This year was even more fun because I had an app on my iphone that gave all the sales ahead of time and allowed you to make a list for each store. I go with my friend Diane and now that our kids are older it is more fun - there isn't that pressure to find Tickle Me Elmo for $4.99. And the key to the day is that you can't take it too seriously. It's not the day that I get most of my shopping done, it's just the one when I get the best bargains.

When do you put up your tree? 2 weeks before Christmas. It is real, we have a woodstove, you can guess what happens if we put it up too early. Fire hazard anyone??

Do you travel at Christmas or stay at home? We go to my moms on Christmas Eve which is a huge trip - 2 blocks away. On Christmas Day we go to my Dad who lives about 20 mins. away.

What is your funniest Christmas memory? One year my parents let my brother go pick out the tree by himself. He had a big truck and a friend who had a tree lot. He came home with a tree that should have been at Rockefeller Center. It was huge. I think it was over 20 feet tall and so damn wide you couldn't see the TV. We laughed the whole season. The best was trying to remove it from the house AFTER Christmas. It was not going to fit back out the door. A chainsaw was needed. Can you say "mess". My stepmom did. And still reminds him of the mess to this day 20 years later.

What is your favorite Christmas movie of all time? I have a bunch - Love Actually, Elf, The Grinch, Home Alone, and Christmas with the Kranks. I think the best is Christmas Vacation. That is a Thanksgiving Tradition - we watch it after dinner.

Do you do your own Christmas baking? What is your favorite treat? See above

Holiday spinning: Don't have time to spin before the holidays but you can bet the day after I will be at that wheel.

Fake or real tree? Got to be real.

What day does the actual panic set in to get it all done? If there is a panic it is Christmas Eve and it's usually brought on by my hubby who thinks he can accomplish 20hours of cooking in 7 hours.

Are you still wrapping presents on Christmas Eve? Not usually. I try to keep that day low key - see previous question.

What is your favorite family fun moment at Christmas? Watching my daughter open her presents. As she becomes older it is harder to surprise her. Last year was a good one. We got her tickets to see Chris Brown with her cousin and the concert was 2 days after Christmas. She was crying. It was great.

What Christmas craft do you like the best? Sometimes we attempt the gingerbread house or make some sort of jewelry but in recent years the time hasn't been there.

Christmas music – yes or no? Absolutely! I put the Christmas station on the day after Thanksgiving.

What is your favorite song? Merry Christmas Darling and Have Yourself a Merry Christmas

1 comment:

calicokitty6 said...

I'm soooooo late putting up my tree this year. It's actually going up in a few minutes. I was going to put the big 7 ft. on up, but settled on the 4 ft one.

"Merry Christmas Darling" is my favorite Christmas song too.

Have a terrific holiday and I'll see you soon. :)


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