Sunday, March 9, 2008

Let's Help Cayli

My blogging friend Cayli is doing a wonderful thing. She is going on a 3 day walk to raise money for breast cancer. If you would like to help this wonderful cause (and who wouldn't????) you can check out this link:


Not only will you be doing something super duper terrific but you can win some nice prizes too!!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by my fun friend Debby at Here's what you do:

Post the rules on your blog. Link to the person who tagged you. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Here's some randomness about me....

1. I can't fall asleep at night unless I have my right hand on my stomach. It's a habit I got into while pregnant with my daughter. I would love to feel her kicking at night.

2. My favorite color is purple - although most of you know that if you see what I knit and spin!

3. I have had basically one job my whole life - working for my family (first my parents then my brother).

4. I could eat pizza every single day and not get tired of it.

5. I've been a girl scout leader for 8 years.

6. Even though I have one child I drive a mini van and have for 8 years. Probably because I have to taxi all those girl scouts around!

I am tagging: Anne Carole Amy Debbie Pixie Gina

And yeah - I will post some knitting content soon. I promise!


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